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Prioritized labels

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Other labels

  • bug
    arthur.abelkalo / ChessGame
    Issue that needs to be fixed
  • can not reproduce
    arthur.abelkalo / ChessGame
    Issue that occur suddenly and cannot be repeated on purpose
  • dependencies
    arthur.abelkalo / ChessGame
    Issue involving one of ChessGame's dependencies
  • enhancement
    arthur.abelkalo / ChessGame
    Feature request
  • investigating
    arthur.abelkalo / ChessGame
    Currently trying to find a solution
  • priority: critical
    arthur.abelkalo / ChessGame
    Issue resulting in unplayable game
  • priority: high
    arthur.abelkalo / ChessGame
    Issue with potential impact on gameplay
  • priority: low
    arthur.abelkalo / ChessGame
    Issue that is not harmful to the experience
  • priority: medium
    arthur.abelkalo / ChessGame
    Issue that can be detrimental
  • security
    arthur.abelkalo / ChessGame
    Issue around game data protection
  • server issue
    arthur.abelkalo / ChessGame
    Issue on web host
  • type::test
    arthur.abelkalo / ChessGame